Tuesday, April 3, 2007

More than we thought

Found out today that there is actually another round of iv chemo after this one. We thought that this was the last round so we were kind of disappointed. She had a pretty blue color of chemo today. She is already feeling kind of sick this afternoon so this new chemo is affecting her worse than round two. 3 more days of this and then we wait for her numbers to go way down and once they get strong again we can get the fourth and final dose done. It's such a long road but we are hopefully getting to get somewhat back to normal within the next month or so. Thanks for the thoughts and prayers the mom and bratgirl


Cassy said...

duh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh..... BRATGIRL.... EDVILLE?
I hope all goes well, Jen!
Love you!

kinneyland said...

I hope things are getting back to normal for you by now and the hospital isn't part of a typical day!

Ashley Ronnell said...

When's dose number 4? I hope things are going great...