Wednesday, May 23, 2007

back to work

Our Jen had her first day back at work today and loved it. Feet are very sore but to be expected. Had a scare a few days ago with her plattlettes dropping to a mere 12. Got transfused and they are not coming up as quickly as expected but she is feeling good. She'll go back for more blood work tomorrow to make sure we are on the right track. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers as we continue this journey, Her hair is staying stuck so we'll have some for the wedding. Yah. Colin and his family have been such a great support through this all. What a great comfort. Thanks to all. The parents

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Great News.....

Our girl did end up getting her iv chemo this week as we had hoped. She only had to have it for two days so she is done!!!! Yah. She is feeling tired and not great but is very glad it is over. Now she will still have to have her blood work done 3 times a week and stay on the oral chemo for the next two years. She will also have to have bone marrow biopsies and meet with her doc in Edmonton every so often but the major part of it is over. They are finding no leuckimic cells so we are praying that we got it all. They won't consider her in full remission until after the two years but it is looking great. Jen is looking forward to getting back to work once her numbers come back up and she is feeling good again. It has been such a long journey through all of this but we are so very grateful. Please keep her in your prayers as she gets back to a "normal" day to day life. She can now focus on the wedding!!!! We are soo proud of our girl. The thankful parents!!!!!!!!