Wednesday, March 14, 2007

One more to go...

Well our girl has made it through the second round of iv chemo. Felt sick and tired but way better this time around. Her imune system is at nil right now so we have to be sure she isn't around anyone sick or sniffling. It will be back and forth to the hospital for blood work for the next month and then the final round of iv chemo. Hopefully if all goes well it will be just blood work from then on. We can finally see her getting her life back on track within the next couple of months. She is anxious to get back to work and to planning her wedding. Thanks for all the prayers. The mom and daughter

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Trying to stay strong

Well we were confident that our girl wouldn't get sick this time but she has finally asked for the trusty puke bowl by her bed. Chemo went fine with the nurse getting her iv on the first shot. They were shocked that she hadn't been sick so far but it's finally catching up tonight. Started out with quite a headache and now she is feeling not great. No fever though so that is a great sign. One more day of chemo tomorrow and then back and forth for blood work for the next month and then some more chemo. Such a brave girl. Keep her in your thoughts and prayers. The mom and daughter

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Quicker today

Much better day today with us arriving at our appointment for 10:00. Everything went smoothly and our girl is still feeling good. Her hand hurt quite a bit while the chemo was going in so they watched it closely. Apparently it goes in much smoother when going through a pic line but we all agree, doc included that we don't want to chance it again. She will hopefully get a new iv site tomorrow if her veins cooperate and we will be good to go for the next two days. The doc says that the most sensitive tests they can do on her are showing that there are no leukimic cells which he hopes is putting her in full remission. Great news, but in the next sentence he says we are all learning this together as this is quite a rare form. All the prayers are making the difference. Thanks. The mom and daughter

Monday, March 5, 2007

What a Day!!!!!

We,ll we managed to have quite a day. Got to the hospital a 9:oo for blood work. There were like thirty people ahead of us so we went for a coffee at the cafeteria. Went back at 10:30 and there were still 20 people ahead of us, so we went upstairs to have her heart scan. Got in early and they drew the blood for it and told her to wait half an hour for the scan. Went back downstairs to see if we were close to her # for the blood work and they had just passed us. Had to wait for only about 10 mins but while we were in there the heart scan lady came in and told us that she had done her test wrong so we had to go back up so they could do it again and they had such a hard timefinding a vein. They finally did it in her hand through an iv that we asked if we could leave it in for when we got the chemo. After many calls back and forth we were told yes. Finally finished up there around 1;OO and made our way back down to outpatients to get the much anticipated iv chemo. To make a long story short by the time it was mixed and ordered it was 4:15. Our poor Jen was exhausted and sleeping beside me. Just as she was in a deep sleep they of course said it was ready. The anti nausea drug took longer to give to her than the actual chemo did and we are finally back home at 5:30. Hoping things go a little more smoothly tomorrow but we are more than grateful that we have restarted this so we are not complaining. Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers, The Mom and tired daughter

Friday, March 2, 2007


Well we finally got word that Jen's iv chemo will start on Monday or Tuesday. We talked directly with the doc and he booked her heart scan for Monday at 11:00. They do a before and after of the heart because this particular chemo is hard on the heart. And good news is that he thinks her blood clot is gone so no more injections starting tomorrow. She will go for the chemo once a day for four days for about twenty minutes. She will have to get admitted if she gets a fever or is too sick but we are hoping to keep her home. After that she will go back and forth to the hopital for the month for blood work and then for another round of iv chemo. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers as she goes through this again. The mom