Monday, February 26, 2007

Bed Crunch

Hi again,

Just heard from Jen's doc that there is a serious bed crunch on right now. Our options were to wait for a bed and just continue the way we are with the Attra holding the leukemia at bay. Not a cure but apparently she could go on this way for awhile or to get her iv chemo at outpatients and hope she doesn't get too ill. We opted for the latter because her numbers are good and the doctor has great faith in us to be careful. He is trying to get things set up for tomorrow where she will get her chemo in 15 minute doses through iv 4 times a day for 4 days in a row. The doc assures us that if she is sick that he will hit her hard with heavy duty anti nausea medication and we are close enough to the hospital to get her there quick. He says if that happens she will for sure get a bed in emergency. I am going to keep her wrapped in cotton so this doesn't happen. Ha. We are grateful to get things started and are hopeful that with everyones prayers that things will go smoothly. The mom and daughter

No Bed yet

Hi all,

Went for blood work this morning and found out there isn't a bed available yet. Now we wait for a call. A little discouraging as we were hoping to get it over with. Keep her in your thoughts and prayers this week as we wait for the call please. Will keep you posted. The Mom and daughter

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Here we go again

Well we have the date to go back for iv chemo. After blood work on Monday she will be admitted for 8 to 10 days. Hopefully she won't be bumped because the sooner we get it over with the better. Don't want that pesky hair to come in too much. Ha. We save on shampoo this way. Jen's spirits are good and though still tiring easily and some foods making her feel sick she is doing well. Hopefully since we will be starting this chemo with her numbers so much better this time around it won't affect her as badly as the first time. Thanks for the prayers and thoughts. The mom and daughter

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Hi again.....

Hi all,

Haven't had to much to report lately. Back and forth to the hospital where Jen's numbers flucuate day to day but so far have managed to stay reasonably normal. We are now waiting for a phone call from the hospital saying that they have a bed available for her next 1v chemo. The doc says there is a bit of a bed crunch right now so we just wait. We were hoping to do it on a outpatient basis but the doc wants to see how she reacts this time so it will be 8 to 10 days on the ward. It's a long road but the right direction so we are very thankful for that. Jen's hair just started to come back in. Not curly or red yet so we'll make her lose it and try again. Ha. Other than tiring very easily and some foods making her feel sick she is in good spirits. Thanks for all the prayers and thoughts. They really help us to get through this time one day at a time. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all as well. The wife and daughter

Monday, February 12, 2007

Good #s

Jen's #s are good again. If we can now keep them at this level the docs will be happy. They had to take 5 vials of blood today and after 3 it is a slow go. She no longer has her pic line so her hands look like pin cushions. She still tires easily but is in good spirits and enjoys hearing from all of you. David and I celebrate our 25th anniversary today. We never thought 25 years ago we would celebrate it like this but there is no place I'd rather be. Thanks for the prayers. The wife and daughter

Friday, February 9, 2007

Lower #'s

Hi all,
Jen's numbers were lower today for some reason. Apparently not a concern yet but the doc will keep an eye on them. Still no go ahead as to when the iv chemo will be but they said they will let us kno,. Jen tires very easily so we are not doing too much during our days. Please keep praying for our girl as she battles through this. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all as well. The wife and daughter

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Good Numbers

Another good day of numbers. Waiting for the docs approval to go ahead with the iv chemo. It seems weird that we are waiting for her to get sick again but the sooner we do it the sooner we can get her better. Our girl tires very easily but we always forget that her Attra is a chemo too and takes its toll. Her hair is starting to come in just in time to fall out again!!! Who cares as she is cute with or without it. A few back aches but we will also attribute that to the wonderful Attra. It's working so we love it!!!! I get a little queazy when I give her her injections but she says it doesn't hurt too much. Braver than I that's for sure. Not a day goes by when we are not thankful for all your thoughts, prayers, and concerns. Give David a call at home for any questions or just to say hi. We miss you all and him too!!! The wife and daughter xoxoxox

Monday, February 5, 2007

It's All in the Numbers

Blood work today and the numbers are great. It looks like we'll be able to make her sick sooner than later with her iv chemo because her #'s are looking so strong. Her plattlettes are so high that she should be the one donating them. We'll talk to her doctor on wednesday about getting started on the chemo again. Prayers really do work!! Hope all is well with all of you and will keep you updated later in the week. David is going home tomorrow and back to work so you can call him at home if you have any questions. Thanks for all the thoughts, and prayers, the very happy parents and Jen

Sunday, February 4, 2007


Hi all

We have had a good weekend. We are preparing for the week ahead with more blood work {Hopefully good} and then we'll have to knock her down with more iv chemo. Depending on how our girl copes with this we hope to keep her out of the hospital. If she doesn't tolerate it as well as we hope she will go back to hospital for a couple of weeks. We know what to expect this time so hopefully it won't be so scary for us all. Her injections have been going okay with Colin and I sharing duty on this. We've only managed to hurt her a couple of times. David doesn't want to have a turn at it, even though I assure him that it doesn't hurt us a bit. She is very brave. Let's pray that her blood work is good this week and we'll keep you all posted. Lots of love the happy parents

Friday, February 2, 2007

Normal Night Date Night

We had a great night at home. Up early and dragged our girl out to superstore to have her actually feel like doing something normal. Relaxed and enjoyed her for the rest of the day. Colin came over in the afternoon and we all had a nice dinner together with me cooking, David going out for ice cream and Jen and Colin doing the dishes. Hard as it is to let her out of our sight we let Colin take her to his dad's to watch a movie. Colin assures us he will have her back before she tires, and will phone us to let us know they got there safely. Over protective parents that we are it is hard to let her go. We are so glad that she is able to though. Praying and hoping that this is the turnaround and that we have a lot more good days than bad. Can't ever express the help everyones prayers thoughts and comments have helped. Please continue. Her very grateful bald parents!!!!

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Barber at work

Well we are back at the apartment and Toni wanted to get rid of her grey hairs so Jen is shaving them off. Jen said it would come back curly and dark.

Love Jen and The Parents


Preliminary reports are saying our girl has 5% or less leukemia cells. We won't get the complete report for a few days but her counts are looking good. We got to bring Jen home (the apartment) today. Yah!!!!!! We will return to the same routine of blood work 3 times a week and I will have to give her two injections {with a real needle} two times a day. David won't even let me practise on him. First sign of a fever we of course have to bring her back but we are praying her immune system will kick in and finally start fighting any infection she may get. The doc says he wants to give her a week to get stronger before starting the iv chemo again and she may have to stay in the hospital depending on how she reacts to it. She is back on the Attra and seems to be tolerating it better this time. She will be on it for 2 years so we are hoping her body is getting used to it and not fighting it anymore. We are so grateful to have our girl home but nervous at the same time because of last time. The docs assure us that they won't wait until she is so sick next time before doing something. Please continue praying for our girl and phone calls, emails and comments to this blog and visits if you are healthy are most welcome at this time. Love and thanks from the parents